Murder with Impunity series
Graphics, design and development for the Pulitzer finalist Murder with Impunity project.
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🏆: Finalist, Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Reporting; Silver award, Features category, Malofiej 27; Bronze medal, Use of data, Society for News Design
I worked as the primary designer and developer of a database for the Pulitzer-finalist “Murder with Impunity” series.
The challenge here was to combine navigation and usability principles from a product design practice within a story narrative that explained complex, data-derived findings.
The goal was to take complex spatial data and deeply sourced investigative reporting, and create an experience that would draw readers in while helping them understand how to interpret the maps and data.
I worked with investigative reporters, editors, a data scientist and a cartographer to build a cohesive experience that made the data accessible to readers who may never have seen this type of reporting before.

The page was built using standard web tools: HTML, CSS, Javascript, and D3 for the animated charts. It was also built so the reporters could link to specific cities in their other stories, and readers could come here to see the full data for that city.